Just to give u an idea of how mental they are, here's some ( Bekah took all the pictures btw :P NOT ME)
Just to give u an idea of how mental they are, here's some ( Bekah took all the pictures btw :P NOT ME)
My nose was itchy -_- Stupid girl took pictures of everything :)
Star wars yo! :P (Im the teddy bear person)
Star Jump off the bed with a flower chain :D my hair looks huge!
Piggy. Dont ask why I look like a tart.Bekah's work there.
Big willies. (Bekah's is out her arse!)

Some more coming whenevr Bekah sends me them. :] I cant wait! :D
LOL no idea...
She thought my socks were cool :]
Sleeping Beauty ( i wasnt actually sleeping but im sure i look as saintly when i do :] )
Some more coming whenevr Bekah sends me them. :] I cant wait! :D